

Hash: dfad2a80dac91e7703266197ebbf5d67ef77467ab341dd491ad25d92d8118cac


  • Document file(docx) dropped the exe auto open -> deobfuscate -> write to file
  • Ole file contains Stomped code for detail
  • Contains suspicious strings for details

Deobfuscate Maldoc:

  • use oledump to dump the data
  • python oledump.py -d -s 11 ~/Downloads/dfad2a80dac91e7703266197ebbf5d67ef77467ab341dd491ad25d92d8118cac.docx > stream11.bin
  • Macros/UserForm1/o contians the obfuscated data for exe
  • deobfuscate split with ‘O’ -> convet the int values to char -> write to file

olevba3 summary

|Type      |Keyword             |Description                                  |
|AutoExec  |Document_Close      |Runs when the Word document is closed        |
|AutoExec  |Document_Open       |Runs when the Word or Publisher document is  |
|          |                    |opened                                       |
|AutoExec  |UserForm_Click      |Runs when the file is opened and ActiveX     |
|          |                    |objects trigger events                       |
|Suspicious|Environ             |May read system environment variables        |
|Suspicious|Open                |May open a file                              |
|Suspicious|Write               |May write to a file (if combined with Open)  |
|Suspicious|Put                 |May write to a file (if combined with Open)  |
|Suspicious|Binary              |May read or write a binary file (if combined |
|          |                    |with Open)                                   |
|Suspicious|Shell               |May run an executable file or a system       |
|          |                    |command                                      |
|Suspicious|WScript.Shell       |May run an executable file or a system       |
|          |                    |command                                      |
|Suspicious|Call                |May call a DLL using Excel 4 Macros (XLM/XLF)|
|Suspicious|MkDir               |May create a directory                       |
|Suspicious|CreateObject        |May create an OLE object                     |
|Suspicious|Windows             |May enumerate application windows (if        |
|          |                    |combined with Shell.Application object)      |
|Suspicious|Hex Strings         |Hex-encoded strings were detected, may be    |
|          |                    |used to obfuscate strings (option --decode to|
|          |                    |see all)                                     |
|IOC       |sgrmbrokr.exe       |Executable file name                         |
|Suspicious|VBA Stomping        |VBA Stomping was detected: the VBA source    |
|          |                    |code and P-code are different, this may have |
|          |                    |been used to hide malicious code             |

Script to deobfuscate ole data


python3 deobfu.py stream11.bin

Written on May 18, 2021