Creating filter template for apimonitor

Tools used

Problem statement

During the Dynamic analysis of any file in window we often(we = me) use apimoitor from rohitab. It is a very handy tool, we can monitor the apicalls and argumets passed. But problem I face is to quicly find out what APIs to monitor how quckly we can check/select those APIs.

As I wrote this script specily for malware analysis, I used peframe by @guelfoweb to get possible APIs.

peframe result


I have modified the the peframe little bit to get APIs along with their libraries names, something like “KERNEL32.TerminateProcess”. update “peframe/peframe/modules/” file replace line ‘'’alerts.append(‘ascii’))’’’ with ‘'’alerts.append(str(lib.dll)[2:-5]+”.”‘ascii’))’’’

update peframe module


now using the script we can create the filter xml for apimonitr.


file asciicast now just load xml file in the apimonitor see the magic.

Written on May 21, 2021